Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Multileader Styles - Annotation

Multileaders are used to point to objects with text or symbols
Multileader Style Manager enable you to create styles that control the multileader display

Home tab > Annotation panel > Multileader Style Manager
Annotate tab > Leader panel > Small Arrow - Multileader Style Manager

Scale can be specify or annotative

Leader Type can be Straight, Spline, None

External Reference - Xref

When you insert a drawing into another as a block, the graphics are merged and no link between 2 files

External References enable you to combine files and retain the link

Objects in the referenced drawing do not become part of the host drawing
Objects modified in the reference drawing will automatically updated in the host drawing

Reference files enable design team to share common source files and have the most current information

External Reference Palette - Xref

You can use External Reference palette to Attach, Unload, Reload, Detach reference files
View tab > Palettes panel > External References palette

When a drawing attached an external reference

A Manage Xrefs icon appear on the right-corner of the Status bar
Click the icon to open the External Reference palette

If an Xref file cannot be found

A warning box open to enable you to relocate the reference file

Use of External Reference

Change to Tree View to show the relationship between host and reference drawings

In the bottom pane, you can select the Detail view or Preview

Attach a Reference File - Xref

View tab > Palettes panel > External Reference Palette

Insert tab > Reference panel - Small Arrow - External References

 External Reference palette > Attach DWG

Navigate to the file location - Open

Set the options as need

Reference Type: Attachment or Overlay
You can set the Scale, Insert Point, Rotation
Path Type: Full path, Relative path, No path
Block Unit: The Insertion Scale units of the reference file can be control by Unit command

Other Xref Specific Attachment Options - Xref


If a raster image's name already exist (even the extension is different), a dialog box pop-up for the new name


If the Scale factor set to Specify on Screen

You have the option to select the unit in mm or meter


MicroStation DGN file units are set up in Master units and Sub units
If you attach a DGN file that is created with Master unit of mm, and Sub units of thousand of mm, you need to convert the Master units


If you are using multi-sheet PDF file, you can select any sheet to insert in the host drawing

Open Reference File - Xref

The best way to modify the reference file is open it
Select the reference file, then right-click > Open

A drawing reference will open in AutoCAD software
Image file will open according to the program in which file type of image associated
DWF underlay will open in Autodesk Design Review
DGN underlay cannot be open with AutoCAD software

Alternately, you can select the reference, right-click > Open Xref

When you close and save the open Xref

Alert balloon pop-up and prompt you to reload the reference file to show the changes

Remove Reference File - Xref

There are 2 ways to remove reference files from your drawing:
  1. Unload
  2. Detach


Temporary remove a reference file, you can Reload it anytime you need


Permanently remove a reference file from the drawing
You can attach the reference again

Clipping Reference - Xref

When you attach an Xref to the drawing, you may not need to display the whole reference

Select the Xref, External Reference tab > Clipping panel > Creating Clipping Boundary
Select Rectangular, then drawing a rectangle to retain the area of the reference


Clip Frame

You can toggle On & Off for the clip frame
Insert tab > Reference panel > Hide Frame
The clip frame been hide

Monday, April 29, 2013

Modify Reference - Xref

When select a reference file, a contextual tab displays according to the type of reference file selected:


You can edit the reference drawing, clipping or open the External Reference Palette


You can adjust the contrast and fade, or change DWF to monochrome; clipping, enable snap, edit layers


You can adjust the brightness, contrast and fade, clipping; change the background transparency

Underlays and image references can only be selected when the frame of reference is on

Insert tab > Reference panel

Properties of Reference File - Xref

DWF, DGN & Image references have some properties can be modify:

Show underlay: Turn On & Off Xref
Show clipped: Turn On or Off the Clip

Adjust the Contrast, Fade, Background color of underlay, and can set the underlay to monochrome

Images have the additional Background Transparency option

DWF Specific Adjustments - Xref

DWF reference files have 2 additional options:
  1. On & Off Layers
  2. Snapping to objects in DWF underlay
Select DWF underlay, right-click > DWF Layer

Select DWF underlay, right-click > DWF Object Snap

Attachment vs Overlay - Xref

You can attach a drawing reference as Attachment or Overlay


If you attach drawing A with an Xref to Host drawing by Attachment, the Xref and drawing A both displayed in Host drawing


If you attach drawing A with an Xref to Host drawing by Overlay, the Xref with drawing A will not display in Host drawing, only drawing A will displayed

Xref Layers - Xref

When you attach or overlay a drawing reference, the drawing objects and named objects (layers, blocks) also go into the host drawing
A special prefix is added to any named objects from the reference drawing
A layer named Door in reference drawing Factory Floorplan would display as Factor Floorplan|Door
You cannot make an Xref layer current in the host drawing
The Xref layer can be Off, Frozen, Lock
If the properties of Xref layer are change, it will not affect the reference drawing, the changes only retained in the host drawing
An Xref filter is automatically created when the drawing reference is attached

Binding Drawing - Xref

Copies all data of the referenced drawing into the current drawing and detaches the reference
Merge the referenced drawing into current and become a single drawing


The referenced layers with a prefix of the referenced drawing name and $0$


The block and layer names are added to the current drawing without change

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Binding File Component - Xref

Instead of binding a entire drawing reference, you can bind the components like blocks, layers, linetypes, text styles, dimension styles
Xbind command will open a dialog box for you to bind the named objects

Demand Loading - Xref

Controls how much of a drawing reference file is loaded
Only the visible parts of the drawing  reference file are loaded
(Off, Frozen or clipped are not show)
Options > Open and Save tab > External Reference (Xref)
Demand load Xrefs:
Enable: Other cannot edit
Enable with copy: Other can use and edit