Monday, May 13, 2013

Dimension Edit DimEdit

After placing all dimensions in the drawing, you might need to relocate the dimension, adjust the position or angle of the dimension text, oblique the extension lines, add some text before or behind the dimension

Grip Edit

Activate the grip and relocate it
Hover on the grip, you have more options to edit


Annotate tab > Dimension panel expand > Oblique


Select the dimension then input the oblique angle

Text Angle

Annotate tab > Dimension panel expand > Text Angle

Select the dimension then input the text angle


There are 3 type of justify: Left Justify, Center Justify, Right Justify
Annotate tab > Dimension panel expand > Left Justify

Select the dimension, dimension text will automatically move to left

Edit Dimension Text DDEdit

Double-click on the dimension

Use keyboard Arrow move the cursor in front or behind the dimension, then input the text

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